Coping with COVID-19
Production of reusable face masks to help in the combat and prevention of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The women of the productive group “Queremos Ter um Futuro com Destino”, found themselves obligated to cease their professional activity due to the pandemic, but this situation did not let them standing with arms across. Programa Tatô joined forces with BirdLife International and Oikos – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento and together with this group of women, decide to produce reusable face masks with African fabrics. 3000 masks were produced and freely distributed among the most vulnerable communities of São Tomé and Príncipe, where Programa Tatô, BirdLife and Oikos work. Additionally, informative panels were distributed on the communities, associated with awareness actions to inform about the good practices of hygiene and sanitary security to prevent the infection.
masks were produced
beneficiary communities
people involved on the production